Here I am again...almost 2 months later. A lot has happened in the last 2 months! Here's a quick overview!
Leyton is 3! Holy smokes! He looks 5, but is only 3. At his latest well check-up he was 42" tall [completely off the charts] and 41 pounds [again, completely off the charts]. As I said, he looks 5...but I promise he's only 3. Everything checked out great, of course. He's a tall, smart, healthy little guy. He's loving "school" [or daycare]. He likes to think he's going to school, and really, it's quite similar. He has a teacher, a small class of about 9 kids, and they do a lot learning activities. He has learned quite a lot already! It's been really great for him. I've noticed a difference in his manners and he's blown me away with things he's learned. For instance, while we were at the dr's office, he was playing with shapes. I started asking him what each shape was. Of course, he was able to tell me the square and triangle, but then got to another that I really didn't think he would know until he yelled out, "That's an octagon!" Say what?! I had no idea he'd know that. A few days later I was telling Josh about him knowing what it was so Josh asked him, "Leyton, what's an octagon?" I started to say that he wouldn't be able to explain it to Josh, but instead point one out when he said, "It says STOP!" Guess he proved me wrong! Such a smart cookie! :)
Jada is 8 months old! At her 7 month well check-up she was 26" long [46th percentile] and 17lbs 9oz [62nd percentile]. She's a little more of an average size baby, but seems so small since Leyton has always been off the charts from day 1. She's still crawling all over the place, but is now able to climb up the stairs [she hasn't quite figured out how to get down], stand up holding onto just about anything, cruise along the furniture, and walk behind her walking toy! She's trying to follow in her big brother's footsteps and walk at 9 months. I'd be just fine with her holding off on that, but we'll see. She says da-da all the time and just within the last few days has started saying ma-ma! [It's about time! :) ] She has grown attached to my leg. She loves to follow me around and grab onto my leg and not let go until I either sit her back on the floor or pick her up. I try not to spoil her by picking her up all the time, but it's difficult. She's just too darn cute and the pouty lip gets me every time!
Josh is coaching the summer baseball team for Indiana Wesleyan by himself this summer. It's exciting for him, yet scary at the same time. This is his first time being able to call all the shots. I'm sure he's going to enjoy it once he gets the first few games under his belt and gets the jitters all out. He's still working throughout the day and then has baseball games about 2 nights a week for the next 6 weeks or so. Baseball, baseball, baseball. That's what we do around here. :)
As for me, I've switched from working 3 11am-11pm shifts, to 3 7pm-7am shifts a week. I had the opportunity to choose between day shift and night shift, and silly me chose night shift. It's been about 6 weeks and it's really worked out pretty well so far. I love the coworkers I get to work with, and so far, I've been able to sleep decently throughout the day while Leyton and Jada are at daycare. It helps that Leyton likes to be at daycare, so I don't feel so guilty sleeping while they're there. Most of my days off consist of either baseball games or church league softball games, so we continue to spend most of our evenings at the ball field. I'm sure we'll still find time for the pool during the day though!
Well, nap time is almost over...I better be going! I hope you all have a great start to your summers!