Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Quick Note

Want to see the Leyton's latest photo shoot? Go here: www.artisticstudiosite.com
Click on CLIENTS on the bottom and the password is leyton. Isn't he handsome?!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Memories

It's crazy to think that Christmas has already come and gone. Well, sorta. The actual day has passed, but we are only half-way finished with the gatherings. We still have two more to go --with Josh's family.

We had a great time hosting my family yesterday. My parents and my brother made the trip up to watch Leyton open his what seemed like millions of presents. We got video of all of it, but I forgot to start taking pictures until about half-way through. I really wish I would have caught him trying to open the first gift---he got frustrated and attempted to bite the wrapping off. He did a really good job opening all of his gifts besides the fact that he was about to have a meltdown by the end of it all. As Josh said, if he gets bored before he's finished--maybe he has too many presents!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas! Enjoy the pictures!

Pa was trying to put together Leyton's new Fire Truck Buggy. I'm pretty sure Leyton slowed him down. He would run over to see the progress after opening each present. He just couldn't wait to take it for a ride!

Daddy helped Leyton open all of his presents. I wasn't looking too great for pictures. ;)

Sporting his new Elmer Fudd hat.

Memaw and Pa took him outside for a quick ride in his new buggy. He's definitely a fan!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

We celebrated Christmas with my family last night. I love getting together with my family. There's just something fun about filling my parent's small house with 20+ adults and 7 little ones ranging from the age of 1 to 5. They are pretty hilarious...especially when you get them all together. Leyton and Bryan [who is 5] are starting to play so well together. Leyton dances around to the sound of a singing snowman while Bryan stands next to him pointing and laughing. I have to agree...Leyton dancing is pretty humorous. I wish I had video of that. [Note to self: Remember the camcorder at the next family gathering.] We attempted to get a picture of all of the great-grandkids together in front of the Christmas tree. Remember, the kids range from 1 to 5 years of age. I'm sure there are all kinds of things running around those crazy little brains...and trying to get all 7 of them to stop and focus on the same thing for a matter of minutes is quite difficult. It was proven in the following:

left/back row: Paisley [3 1/2], Bryan [5], Jeremiah [5], Elijah [3 1/2]
left/front row: Leyton [1 1/2], McKensey [1 1/2], Cameron [1]

Cameron thought something was absolutely hilarious, obviously McKensey and Leyton had the same thought, and the older 4 actually remembered to smile...just not at the right person.

Cameron is still cracking up, Leyton's hands are way more interesting, Jeremiah sees something on the floor pretty funny, Bryan and Elijah are off in la-la land, and Paisley is paying perfect attention--to me, even!

Maybe my cousin Tyler was passed out on the floor in front of them...I'm not sure. [Leyton's hands are still more interesting.]

I'm positive of what happened here...my cousin Tyler was sticking his tongue out making noises trying to get everyone to smile. Leyton didn't necessarily think it was funny...he just thought it looked fun. He imitated him and of course, the others [except McKensey--she's too cool for that] thought it was funny.
This is about the best we can do.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

This is for Katie.

Okay, not completely for Katie, but partly. I have been wanting to start a blog for quite some time...I just haven't taken the time to do so---until today, that is.

So, here you go. Welcome to my little corner of the web. Hopefully I will remember to take the time to stop here frequently to update anyone who wants to know about the happenings of my life. I'll do my best to keep it as interesting as I can, although I have to admit--my life is not all that exciting.
Until next time...