Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My baby is TWO!

Leyton's 2nd birthday was yesterday. It's hard to believe that it was 2 years ago that I was awaiting the arrival of such a sweet little boy. It seems like just yesterday but then again, it's hard to think of what life was like before he was here. I can't imagine life without him now.

We had a fun-filled last few days. Friday, we went to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate with my immediate family. Leyton had a great time climbing on all the toys and Pa even took him down the slide a few times! He sure loves his Pa!

On Sunday, Josh and I took Leyton to the Ft. Wayne Children's Zoo. [Which, might I add, is much better for little kids than the Indianapolis Zoo.] Leyton walked throughout the entire zoo like a big boy. He wasn't about to miss out on something by riding in his stroller! He rode a pony, pet a little chick and a rabbit, and got to see all kinds of other animals up close and personal. We had a really fun day! I would definitely recommend a trip to Ft. Wayne to check out the zoo. I'd be glad to join you as well! :)

Then, yesterday, as a final birthday celebration, we had dinner at Uncle Phil and Aunt Stephie's house with cake and ice cream afterwards. Leyton had a sudden fever after dinner, so he wasn't feeling the greatest by the time we had cake. We sang Happy Birthday, quickly ate some cake and came home for bed. Poor little guy. Can you tell he wasn't feeling well?

So, two years have come and gone. What a fun two years they have been! I can't wait to see what it's going to be like with 2 little ones running around!! Happy birthday, Leyton! Mommy and Daddy love you very much!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A long time coming

I've been itching to share the news of Baby #2 since the day we found out he or she was on the way, but I decided to wait until after the first dr. appointment before I spilled the beans. Well, that was two weeks ago! Our computer has been having issues--still haven't figured that out--but today it has decided to work, so here's the news...late.


Baby #2 is on the way and due October 7th! We're very excited and anxious to know who is going to be added to our family. I'm confident Leyton will be a great big brother. He loves to hold babies and is constantly telling me, "My baby!" and sometimes even, "My baby boy!" Hmm...will he be right? We shall see!! Keep us in your prayers. My mind does some crazy things! :)