Jada is 9 months old! At 9 months she:
--weighs 19 lbs [56th percentile]
--is 26.75 inches [45th percentile]
--has 2 bottom teeth [finally!]
--says da-da and ma-ma
--crawls everywhere
--climbs up and down stairs without help [but not far, no worries!]
--stands up holding onto anything
--walks/cruises around the couch or anything else that will support her
--LOVES playing with her big brother
--sleeps about 12-13 hours every night and takes 2 naps during the day [such a good girl!]
--eats just about anything we put in front of her
--LOVES her mama. She doesn't like to be out of my sight when I'm around, but is a perfectly content, happy baby when I'm not.
--LOVES her daddy. She lights up the moment he gets home!
--loves to play pat-a-cake
--waves bye bye
...and much, much more. :)
She reminds me a lot of Leyton at this age. She seems to have just as much energy as he did, but I'm hoping I'm wrong. I'm not sure if I can keep up with 2 kids who never stop! :) She's such a great addition to our family and we're loving seeing her personality start to blossom.