Thursday, April 2, 2009

A long time coming

I've been itching to share the news of Baby #2 since the day we found out he or she was on the way, but I decided to wait until after the first dr. appointment before I spilled the beans. Well, that was two weeks ago! Our computer has been having issues--still haven't figured that out--but today it has decided to work, so here's the news...late.


Baby #2 is on the way and due October 7th! We're very excited and anxious to know who is going to be added to our family. I'm confident Leyton will be a great big brother. He loves to hold babies and is constantly telling me, "My baby!" and sometimes even, "My baby boy!" Hmm...will he be right? We shall see!! Keep us in your prayers. My mind does some crazy things! :)


Bridget Allyne said...

congrats, lani! i'm happy for you guys!

Unknown said...

YAY!!! Can't wait to meet #2!!