Monday, May 11, 2009

Tiptoe through the Tulips

I spent the last few days with sister, momma, and Leyton in Holland, MI for the TulipTime festival. We went up on Thursday [after a drive that seemed to take FOR-EV-ER] and came home yesterday afternoon. If you've not been to see the tulips, you should. They seriously line the streets of downtown Holland...

...and there are fields of them in the most random places.

It's pretty amazing.

We spent a few hours on the beach of Lake Michigan. Poor Leyton was strapped into a car seat or stroller for the majority of our visit, so he needed to break free for some time in the sand.

We visited Veldheer's Tulip Farm where there are literally 500,000+ tulips planted to walk through and choose your favorites. After seeing all the choices, we ordered some that will be shipped in October for planting. This is just one of the bunch that I ordered. Isn't it pretty?

Unfortunately, Saturday night ended with a trip to the Urgent Care Center. Leyton was wheezing so badly, he could hardly talk. After a breathing treatment and a chest x-ray, it was determined that he was having an asthma attack [even though he's never technically been diagnosed with asthma...yet]. We were sent home with some prednisone and an albuterol inhaler. He's been doing better, but still coughing and wheezing a lot. The poor kid doesn't know how to slow down enough to catch his breath!

So, now we're beginning a new week. What joys will this week bring?

Happy belated Mother's Day!

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