Monday, October 5, 2009

[Im]patiently waiting

I've always thought of myself as a patient person, for the most part. I think I'm changing. We're 2 days from Jada's due date and I'm about to go crazy! I think the fact that Leyton was 4 days early made me think that Jada would come even sooner...seeing as that's usually how the 2nd pregnancy goes. I was dilated the same as I was with Leyton at my 36 week appointment and I've made even better progress this time around...up until now. On Thursday I was 4 cm dilated and about 80% effaced so I thought for sure we'd be coming home from the hospital with a little baby girl by today. I'm sad to say that's not even close. :( Even worse...the doctor says I'll have to wait until the 14th to be induced should the baby decide to continue liking her environment! The 14th! That just sounds unbearable. My hips hurt like they've never hurt before, I'm certain my belly can't stretch any more than it has, and I'm sure my husband is sick of helping me off the couch and out of bed. I'm ready. I'm more than ready, actually. Anyone have any suggestions for moving this along any quicker?

There's no doubt she's a Stearns...already making me wait on her. ;)


Unknown said...

So I think girls are just stubborn like that -- I was GINORMOUS with Nells. I even had premature labor followed by bedrest. BUT when push came to shove she wasn't moving out. We tried EVERYTHING with the exception of ... and I know it sounds gross ... either castor oil or a laxative. I've heard they are both sure shots -- but I just couldn't do it. May you be braver than I. :) Fortunately they induced me the day after my due date because she was so big! :)

Lani said...

I've actually been debating going to the store and snatching some miralax and downing a huge glass to see if it would do the trick. I'm sure I would regret it when I wouldn't be able to stop #2-ing. :)