Saturday, October 17, 2009

She's here...

...and a week old already! How is it that time goes by so quickly when you don't want it to, yet takes for-ev-er when you do want it to? Not sure why that has to be, but it's certainly true.

After 40weeks and 3 days of waiting on my little girl to enter the world, she is finally here and home where she belongs. Labor was much easier than it was with Leyton--what an answered prayer. I was seriously dreading being in labor, but I can honestly say I felt great after Jada was born. I didn't feel tired, didn't have much pain, and was extremely happy to see that a healthy little girl was born.
Then, of course, she had to give us a scare and end up in the NICU for almost 4 days. Being told she was being admitted to the NICU scared me to death. It was about 1 a.m. and the nurses tell me they're going to keep her in the NICU to rule out a blood infection, but not to worry and try to get some sleep. Are you kidding me? How was I supposed to do either of those things? Let's just say I did the exact opposite. I spent the next 2 1/2 hours scared, anxious, crying, and praying that everything was going to be fine. At about 3 a.m. I was able to go into the NICU and see my sweet girl attached to monitors, IV lines, a feeding tube, and oxygen. Not the sight I was hoping for. She was breathing about 70 times per minute---in other words--working very hard. I continued to pray that she would be fine and I would be calm. Seeing her did ease my mind and I knew the nurses and doctors were going to take great care of her.
Every day, Jada continued to get better. She was slowly able to get rid of a wire or two each day, until she was finally able to come home with us Wednesday evening. What a blessing!

Leyton has been doing pretty well adjusting to having a baby around so far. He loves to give her kisses and hold her [although briefly]. Thursday, the first thing he said when he woke up was, "Where's my sister?" I think he's going to be a great big brother!

So remember the post about being patient? Well, I definitely think God was trying to teach me a lesson...and let me tell you, I think He got His point across.

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